About Adullam

About Adullam

About Adullam Bible College

At Adullam Bible College we are excited about you joining the family of Adullam as a student. Education in any field can be challenging as well as rewarding. This is especially true when it comes to Biblical studies. Some of you may not have been involved in an educational institution for quite a while. If that is the case, it might take some time to get accustomed to the discipline necessary to gain a degree. At Adullam we furnish all the tools that are necessary for student not only to obtain their degree, but we strive to provide an atmosphere that enhances the learning experience. Our mission is simple “Transforming ordinary people into mighty men and women of God.”

Adullam is the name of a cave where David lived when he was on the run form Saul (I Samuel 22). As David retreated to the cave other men began to show up. These men had Giants in their lives, and they found out that a giant slayer was in the cave. While they were in Adullam they were transformed from ordinary men to mighty men of valor. Adullam is still a place of transformation, where ordinary people are equipped for ministry and transformed into mighty men and women of God.

Yours in His Service,
Dr. Edward Hearns
President of Adullam Bible College